Pioneering sustainable semiconductor manufacturing

Addressing the carbon impact of semiconductor manufacturing
Electronics is globally one of the world’s most polluting industries. Semiconductors have overtaken the automotive sector in overall carbon footprint, with the world’s largest chip producer now producing more CO2 than General Motors.

Semiconductor manufacturers have the opportunity to expand their capabilities and respond to increasing demand to decarbonise their manufacturing operations. This complex challenge requires significant effort, investment, and creative thinking – however, now is the time for the industry to think smarter and position sustainability at the core of its operations.

Pioneering sustainability-by-design for a net zero future
Pragmatic is committed to working with industry leaders to create innovative techniques that decrease carbon emissions, improve resource efficiency and productivity, and achieve net zero semiconductor manufacturing. Our new large-scale manufacturing facility at Pragmatic Park will innovate and define what best-in-class, smart, sustainable semiconductor manufacturing should look like.

Our white paper, ‘Intelligent Low-Carbon Semiconductor Manufacturing‘ explains Pragmatic’s world-leading approach to making our semiconductor manufacturing process more sustainable with the help of Industry 4.0 knowhow.

Download whitepaper

The carbon impact

38% – of global consumers believe businesses should prioritise responsible production and consumption of goods and services

40% – of emissions from a smartphone come from the microprocessors inside the device

30% – of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the manufacturing sector

80% – of semiconductor emissions come from the manufacturing process