Because Science and People Matter

Everyone we work with is trying to do something new, something incredible, something that can transform lives. Helping these pioneers fulfil that promise is what motivates us.

Our focus

We are driven by people and ideas

As a team, we have a passion for science and its potential to drive change. Through our expertise and our position in one of the country's most powerful science and technology ecosystems, we're able to identify and support the most promising entrepreneurs in knowledge intensive businesses and help them achieve their vision.

With our financial backing and expert guidance, we're excited to enable the pioneers in life sciences and deep tech to create world-leading companies whose unique ideas bring financial success and global impact.


Cambridge Innovation Capital is a leading Series A investor in the Cambridge ecosystem.

We were born out of a unique relationship with the University of Cambridge and we maintain privileged access to its most inspiring ideas and people in life sciences and deep tech.


Fuelling innovation

Years in the making
Assets under management
Co-investment capital
Founders supported


The advantage of deep scientific knowledge and commercial expertise

Meet the CIC team and our distinguished panel of technical and commercial advisors.

Meet the team


Meet the innovators

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CMR Surgical

Developing minimal access surgical robots for maximum patient benefit

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Pragmatic Semiconductor

Revolutionising semiconductor technology & manufacturing

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The Error Correction Stack that unlocks useful quantum computing

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Salience Labs

The photonic computing company

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Harnessing the power of the microbiome

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Impact & ESG

Valuing sustainability

It matters to us that our investment activities align to the values of our team and to broader societal objectives. We also believe that prioritising impact and ESG will enhance financial returns over the long term.

We seek to demonstrate leadership and are committed to working with all our partners in the innovation ecosystem to accelerate the incorporation of impact and ESG into company operations.

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